
Zemplin Mosaic Foundation

The Village of Zemplinska Teplica

The village of Zemplinska Teplica is in the Zemplin region of eastern Slovakia.  It is a  small, beautiful village with a population of approximately 1,800 people. Approximately 600 of its citizens are Roma, who typically live in poverty on the edge of the village in substandard housing. 

Blake Brown, Foundation Director

We have been active in Zemplinska Teplica since 2018.  Initially we did most of our work with the Village’s social workers and community center workers.  They are lovely people to work with!  The Foundation has provided clothing, purchased household items including stoves, refrigerators and washing machines, supported individuals to enable them to access the healthcare that they needed, assisted with educational programs and encouraged parents to enroll their children in early education programs.  We have purchased playground equipment for the kindergarten, assisted with new uniforms for the youth soccer team and worked with the Village to support a new primary school resource person. 

We recently purchased a former neighborhood grocery store which is located at the crossroads between the majority portion of the village and the Roma portion of the village.  We are in the process of determining whether to remodel the building or build something new. We plan to use the building as the hub for our activities in Zemplinska Teplica.  Also under consideration is building a hygiene center at the rear of the building including bathrooms, showers and a laundry facility.

Coop Building Photo

We have leased approximately 200 m2 (2,150 sq. ft.) on the first floor of this building.  We plan to construct a teen tech clubhouse here – a place where teens from the village can develop new skills through hands-on activities exploring their interests through project-based learning.  The focus of the clubhouse will be on STEAM:  science, technology, engineering, the arts and math.  The clubhouse will give the teens access to tech education and mentors while building the confidence they need to be more successful in school and in their future work.  The clubhouse will use a combination of self-directed learning and structured workshops guided by staff, mentors and youth peer leaders, focused on empowering the youth to develop new skills.  The clubhouse will contain leading-edge technology for the youth to create and innovate while pursuing their interests such as: creating digital art; producing professional quality music and animations; designing mobile applications; robotics; writing and illustrating stories and films; and designing 3D games. 

Smiling Girl

We are also mindful that significantly intertwined with education and housing is employment.  In collaboration with the village we will look for opportunities to increase employment.  Social development entities, where wages are partially government subsidized, will be a focus as will job-training activities with employers in nearby Kosice. 

“Let us face these problems together; let us not cause hope to shipwreck; let us together make a mosaic of hope!”

– Pope Francis